Saturday 6 October 2012

Well here goes. I use Facebook and twitter, so why does this seem so challenging???

My name is Jane, I am a dance teacher in a secondary school and have been for a few years. I have taught GCSE and BTEC dance and love it when my students enjoy dancing and performing as much as I do.

My dance background is quite eclectic...... Originally from a traditional classical dance background, my style is now a mixture of everything I have experienced since. I am an active member of the KFA/EMDP which has given me opportunities beyond my dreams. I have performed at the Albert Hall, Blackpool Winter Gardens! Taught fitness on the radio, been the face of the EMDP training manual, I still compete and perform whenever I can.

I have been a teacher for over 25 years, starting as a freelance dance/fitness teacher to all ages, from toddlers to mature movers. I became involved in after-school dance classes which then gave me the route into teaching as part of Hamble Community Sports College, where I find myself today in the role of dance teacher.

So what's next....... Who knows, life doesn't always take the path you expect and I didn't expect to be in this position, so next for me is to finally gain QTS status in my current job and the BAPP Arts will enable me to start this process. So here goes........ Wish me luck!!!


  1. Hi Jane - Really enjoyed reading your post, your enthusiasm shines out through your writing. I'm also a teacher of dance, although my background is I.S.T.D. and R.A.D., and am also hoping that the BAPP will give me a starting point to PGCE/ QTS status. I look forward to studying alongside you as we take this path...

    1. Thanks Sarah. Its good to hear from someone else going through this process. I can't deny I am a bit scared. It is a long time since my studying days, fitting it in around a full teaching timetable is going to be a challenge but all worth it in the end I'm sure. Teaching dance in school is certainly rewarding. good luck.... x
