Monday, 19 January 2015

Placement week 3 - Final week and opportunity to gather evidence and experiences.

Last week involves teaching year7 & 8 dance, Zumba to Y11 observation, year 7 dance club  and observations. 

Bring it on. 

YEAR 9 GCSE dance

Students given homework to read pages from txt books.  Start of lesson students given a test. Good to reinforce knowledge and highlight gaps in individuals knowledge. Definitely something to use in my lessons.

Simple warm up - track Bang Bang will-I-am.  Everytime bang bang sung students have to do an action. 

Taken by the Head titled the Lost generation.
Inspiring.  the manner she spoke to the students was encouraginWg and positive. Even when talking about a complaint she had had from the public, she didn't stand and tell the students off she explained that although not done intentionally, the student would have bowled our of school, completely oblivious to others around them and inadvertently upset the member of the public. The message was the same - be award and respectful to those around you, but delivered in a positive manner

Something I will certainly be thinking about when i deal with the students at school.  Another example of treating the students with respect, expecting them to do the right thing then dealing with it when they make mistakes,  not expecting the student to do the wrong thing.  

Have the presentation on Preso.  

Training meeting - drawing our attention to a research

Y10 Dance

Students given a self evaluation sheet to identify strengths and weaknesses and set targets to improve.

Warm up walking round when number called students perform the action prescribed for that no.  All actions are from the dance being performed in class.  

Wildern way staff training - RRR and Student VoĆ­ce. Interesting to see how it is included in the working life at Wildern and how involved the students are.

OBSERVATION - final obs completed. Class went well. Y11 PE class teaching Zumba.  Lovely girls quite shy so challenging to motivate them. 


when giving students instruction for task, demonstration from group to encourage ideas. Eg. Trying to get students to give canon as an answer, ask 1 group to do something, then another to join in etc until someone shouts out canon.    Leading the students to the correct outcome but not telling them. 


Nice way of getting literacy into dance lesson - ask students to read out facts about topic. Ask if a students wants to spell out a word the class have been asked to write down so everyone spells correctly.   Simple and affective. 

So the adventure is over.  Hamble I'm coming home.  I wasn't looking forward to it but it was definitely a worthwhile experience. Every teacher should do it.  We don't have time or the mental capacity to reflect on our practice when we are working. Lots of pressures all the time, but when we step out of the madness and into the light we can reflect and look forward. I have ideas to try, organising to do but feel like I am going back with a fresher and calmer outlook, and with my priorities in the right place.

THANK YOU WILDERN and all involved. 

Monday, 12 January 2015

Placement Week 2

WEEK 2 - Placement at Wildern School

Another interesting week gaining evidence and experience. Nice to have the opportunity to reflect on my practice without the strain of other things in school and demands of the job. 

Starting with Year 8 gymnastics

As PE is part of my timetable at school but not a strength of mine it will be good to see a PE Gym session being taught.  Looking forward to seeing a real PE teacher in action.

LO:  Flight

Different stations set up to promote flight. Jumping off with shape

Flight - 2 foot, 1 foot take off. 2foot landing.  Practiced in warm up on the floor.

Y11 GCSE dance

Continuation of SET STUDY.

New term - FLIPP LEARNING - giving homework to students that will be needed in the future. Learning parts of set study that haven't been taught yet. So when taught in lesson students have an idea of what is coming. Allowing quicker progress in lesson and opens lines of communication and conversation in class.



Use of video.  

online stopwatch for group work independent learning

Projected. - Use of myth busting   Question then answer given.  Groups to discuss to see if they think answer is true or false.  Promotes discussion and conversation.

Really like idea - definitely going to see how this could fit into my lessons.

Use of the trailor for the film - Philadelphia .  And clip of young people with HIV telling there stories.  Making it real.

Keeping students interested and focused.  
Fact sheet true or false questions to test knowledge and understanding

PL - year 7. Money

Cross curricular (Mathis) links when doing a board exercise with students.  
Related tasks to money students have now and then the future
Independent learning tasks

Friday, 9 January 2015



  • interesting observing lessons, allowing reflection of my own practice
  • Different type of student, behavior good allowing teacher to teach and student to learn
  • Students used to expectations and when working independently stayed focused and on task.
  • Calm environment, obvious progress made.

  • students fully engaged and aware of why they were learning the set study
  • Familiar warm up taught, reasons why given.  Something I will be implementing in my practice.  Helps to settle students And start the lesson
  • LO clearly projected throughout lesson. I need to chase up my projector. A necessary resource for lessons. Both for LO and videos, powrrpoints.  Helps smooth running of lesson 

  • Use of simple workbooks
  • Use of professional dance work to show video and give ideas
  • Theory tasks to prepare for practical. Giving ideas to work from
  • Questioning to imbed knowledge ready for independent learning. 

Watched year 8,  7 and 11 AS dance.

Year 7 using a task card to learn their line dancing.  Independent learning.  Mixed ability mixed gender.  Students lined up in girls and boys and given number and sent into groups. 

I'm unsure if grouping this way works better than allowing students to choose their own. Knowledge of dynamics of group necessary.  

First experience of AS dance.  Interesting to see the way it's done. Looked at an exam paper to see questions students were using for their choreography..  Chatted to the students about how they are intending to use the questions., students fully aware of what they need to do,  

More evidence of the importance of consistent expectations and time spent explaining and reinforcing..