Sunday, 28 October 2012

Reflection of Reader 1

Professional Communications Technologies

'Technologies in the Workplace has changed the nature and ways we work'

Web 2.0 - Second Generation web based communities, social networking, Wikis, promoting sharing between users. Network as a Platform - information not stored on one computer, can be accessed from any device anywhere. Without realising Web 2.0 has made my life easier, making sharing and access available to me 'anytime, anyplace, anywhere', even if I don't have my computer with me.

Tim O'Reilly - often referred to as the originator of what defines Web 2.0, identifies a number of core competencies involved in Web2.0.

Architectures of Participation

'If we don't have the instruments to participate (time, money, skills, infrastructure) then we are unable or unwilling to participate'.

Certainly true of social networking and Web 2.0. People, like my dad, who don't like it or don't use it, tend to be the people who don't fully understand the concept. I agree with Hamilton, who notes that participation is a function of the reduction of barriers to access and that an increase in participation can contribute to the successful building of relationships and the democratisation of media.

How do we reduce these boundaries, so that more people are able to access/want to access and get involved in collaborating, sharing and interacting using Web 2.0. Proving to people that although widely used for leisure and communication, we need to break down the stigma of some social networking to allow it to be used in business/schools.

I currently use facebook in school to communicate with my Rock Challenge team. Improving team spirit, communication of ideas and important information sharing. Having successfully piloted a Facebook group last year, we have now produced a Facebook policy to present to the Principle and team members to establish how and why we use the Facebook group. Although we experienced no negative aspects last year, there is still a feeling with some members of the school that it is not appropriate to use Facebook in this way. My feeling is that as long as the administrator of the group has the knowledge necessary, social networking could be used safely more and more in schools to enhance the students experiences and help teacher and student communication. Unfortunately due to lack of knowledge and bad press in the media I feel this is a long way in the future.

As Ullrich states, we have been able to decide on how our page works, who can access it and we are in complete control of the production and access.

Remixable Data and Transformations

Valtysson suggests that people who make media and those who consume it encourages people to engage and participate in the media.

The use of Twitter in this way has revolutionised the relationship between artist and follower. The ability to follow celebrities and artists of choice has allowed both the artist and public to share ideas and give feedback where necessary. Although I am sure that the artist don't always receive the feedback they would like, Twitter has made it possible for them to pose questions to their fans, interacting and communicating ideas. Making the public feel involved in their chosen artists and the artists able to use feedback given to help promote and make decisions on their products. Artists can also communicate their personal thoughts when appearing on shows, helping the public to feel even more involved in the programmes they are watching.

Harnessing Collective Intelligence

Building and developing communities.

Its success can be measured, as Gruber states by the 500 million facebook members sharing, making Web 2.0 a useful tool for social interacting and sharing. Self service problem solving, search engines allowing us to pose questions that can be answered by reading public forums.

We have all used these services. Finding others opinions on problems and questions we may have, research at out fingertips. In my house the phrase 'i'll google it' is used on a regular basis. clarification through answers in forums, researching and even putting an end to arguments when facts are established through search engines.
Using Web 2.0 in class has also changed, for the better, the way we teach. especially with the popularity of smart phones that can be used for research. Answers and research available instantly and revolutionised how we set certain homework tasks, although we do have to be mindful of those that do not have access at home to Web 2.0. provision in school can be used via the Library and IT suites in breaks and after school.

At the forefront of all these things is the knowledge of the user - 'the proof is in the pudding', the success of Web 2.0 is proven when we consider the origins of Facebook as a USA college stystem to its current status of 400million users, actively signing on everyday. On average everyone has 130 friends and spends 500billion minutes per month on the site. But if the user abuses or doesn't have the knowledge to set up their accounts with privacy settings etc their exprience will not necessarily be as positive as others. it is the users responsibility to make sure they understand all the concepts of the particular Web 2.0 system being used.

In Summary - I didn't realise it before reading the reader but yes I do use Web 2.0 on a regular basis and it is fair to say that I couldn't and wouldn't want to be without it and will work hard to use it more and more in not just my personal life but also my professional life. Currently I use on a regular basis - Onenote, Dropbox, Twitter, Facebook, Blogging and the Schools VLE, having started on Myspace and Bebo. I can certainly say that in my years of teaching I have seen Web 2.0 evolve and now I don't know what we did without it.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Jane Capers' photostream

uni fyppole dancingonly in vegasolymicskfacounty team
competitionabba tributethe_dancers_panel_1_by_dr_fyodor_krasniy-d3anuy8

Jane Capers' photostream

uni fyppole dancingonly in vegasolymicskfacounty team
competitionabba tributethe_dancers_panel_1_by_dr_fyodor_krasniy-d3anuy8

just some randoms

some photos on flickr. not many and limited dancey ones but here they are all the same.
Being a full time teacher right now is full on and trying to keep up with the degree as well is tough, but I will do it........... half term approaches and hopefully that will mean being able to catch up on all those things like marking, blogging, reading, preparing and organising. Am just about to read the tasks I haven't completed so maybe I should be getting off here and putting my reading hat on.....

More excitingly, last week was Rock Challenge audition time at school. For those that haven't heard of it, go to -  and have a read. A fantastic opportunty to pass the experience of performing to the younger generation. We have to run auditions because of the amount of students who want to be part of the team and the logistics of getting them all there. This is our 12th year competing and although hard work, worth every minute when I watch the team up on stage feeling the joy of performing. Team all chosen and lists ready to go up on the notice board tomorrow. Rehearsals start after half term. Let the games begin...

Anyway, enough of all this, reading is waiting for me...... but then Strictly has just started.........


bye for now.......

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Well here goes. I use Facebook and twitter, so why does this seem so challenging???

My name is Jane, I am a dance teacher in a secondary school and have been for a few years. I have taught GCSE and BTEC dance and love it when my students enjoy dancing and performing as much as I do.

My dance background is quite eclectic...... Originally from a traditional classical dance background, my style is now a mixture of everything I have experienced since. I am an active member of the KFA/EMDP which has given me opportunities beyond my dreams. I have performed at the Albert Hall, Blackpool Winter Gardens! Taught fitness on the radio, been the face of the EMDP training manual, I still compete and perform whenever I can.

I have been a teacher for over 25 years, starting as a freelance dance/fitness teacher to all ages, from toddlers to mature movers. I became involved in after-school dance classes which then gave me the route into teaching as part of Hamble Community Sports College, where I find myself today in the role of dance teacher.

So what's next....... Who knows, life doesn't always take the path you expect and I didn't expect to be in this position, so next for me is to finally gain QTS status in my current job and the BAPP Arts will enable me to start this process. So here goes........ Wish me luck!!!